Beyond the Bucks: 15 Creative Ways to Support Musicians

    Besides giving money, there are other ways to help artists.

    Musicians enjoy the support of their fans and are grateful for every purchase of tickets, downloads, CDs, shirts, or any other item that helps them keep making music. But there are several ways to help artists that don’t cost anything but make a big difference. Here are 15 ways that music fans can help the acts they like.


    Beyond the Bucks: 15 Creative Ways to Support Musicians

    Social media has become the most important way for musicians to promote their work, and you can help them reach a bigger audience by amplifying their posts. Sharing their videos, pictures, tour information, crowdsourcing campaigns, and other things can change the game. It shows that their work is good and gives their efforts respect.

    Add a personal note to the share and tag the relevant musician’s page or account. This will let the artist know about your post, and other people will be able to follow the trail back to the original source.


    Beyond the Bucks: 15 Creative Ways to Support Musicians

    Did you enjoy a particular movie on YouTube? Make sure to say something and give it a thumbs up. Tell someone how much you like their Facebook post or Instagram picture. The more responses a post gets, the more people will be interested in it.

    Why Signing Up For Email Lists Is Important

    Too many emails can be overwhelming and annoying, but it’s important for independent artists to sign up for an email list. Still, it is one of the best ways to connect with people. Unlike spammers, musicians don’t send out newsletters all the time and only include content that is related to their news.

    Follow Other People On Social Media

    Beyond the Bucks: 15 Creative Ways to Support Musicians

    Follow an artist on all the social media sites they use to show your support. It’s also important to like their musician pages because it shows how popular a singer is. Getting to know artists and becoming their friends is a great way to show your support and respect.

    Get The Word Out

    If you have friends or family in a city where an artist is playing, let them know. Send them a private message or make a public post to let them know what’s going on. Add a link to a video so they can hear the song for themselves.

    Make Requests

    Tell the venue or host of your favorite radio show that you want to hear an artist at a nearby venue or on that show. After that, let the artist know what you did.

    Why Music Reviews Are Important

    Beyond the Bucks: 15 Creative Ways to Support Musicians

    Writing a review of an album that is honest and well-thought-out is highly valued by artists. Take a few minutes to write a customer review on Amazon, iTunes, or another store if you like a record. At least you can give the record or song a rating.

    Use Playlists And Radio Stations

    Beyond the Bucks: 15 Creative Ways to Support Musicians

    If you use Spotify, why not make a public mix with songs from your favorite artists as well as other popular songs? By showing your friends these tracks, you can introduce them to new music and maybe even get them to start listening to your artist. On platforms like Pandora, you can also make a custom show based on the music of your favorite artist, which may also help you find new music.

    Trade Products And Services

    In the spirit of trading, you might consider giving a musician something of value in return for goods or services you need. For example, if you are good at something like graphic design or building websites, you could offer to trade your skills for guitar lessons or a CD. Exchanging things that are good for both parties can be very rewarding, both individually and professionally.

    Ask People To Leave Tips

    Tipping is a big part of how artists make money at many small shows. But sometimes the venue doesn’t do enough to ask for or receive these donations, which puts the performer in an awkward spot. As a friend or fan, you can help the artist by getting tips for them. Just walking around the room with a hat or bucket and a smile can make a big difference in how much money the artist makes and how well they do.

    Ask If You Can Help Out

    Artists often need help setting up tools, selling merchandise, or working the door at gigs, among other things. By offering to help, you could make the artist’s life much easier and get a few perks or a free ticket in return. Don’t be afraid to ask the artist how you can help and support them in any way you can.

    Use Signs To Get The Word Out

    When your favorite artist comes to your area for a show, all you have to do to show your support is put up a few posters in places like music stores, cafes, libraries, and community centers. You can also help by posting the picture on your social media pages and tagging the artist.

    Offer Venue Ideas

    Beyond the Bucks: 15 Creative Ways to Support Musicians

    If you see holes in an artist’s tour plan, it’s helpful to suggest possible stops, especially in small, unique settings like house concert series. Don’t forget to follow up and tell the place as well.

    Provide Places To Stay

    Musicians on the road, especially those just starting out, can’t always pay for a place to stay. If you have extra room in your house or flat, a grateful musician who needs a place to stay would appreciate it if you let them stay there. Just give them their space and time to relax.

    Put On A Show Or Workshop At Your Home

    Hosting a house show is a great way to support and enjoy an artist. It’s surprisingly easy and fun. You don’t have to spend money on food or drinks. Instead, have everyone bring a dish or take money at the door to cover costs. Also, musicians often give classes on how to do things like write songs or play an instrument, which you can host in your living room with a small group.